Vacancies for seafarers

Our goal is to introduce innovations in the field of court recruiting. Optimizing the employment process and improving the efficiency of interaction between seafarers and shipowners.

Chief Engineer

2nd Engineer

Gas Engineer

Chief Officer


2nd Officer

3rd Officer


3rd Engineer

Electrical Engineer




Service Assistant


Technical Inventory Controller

Kids Animator




Technical Storekeeper

Electronic Officer

IT – System Manager

2nd Officer Safety

Staff Captain

1st Engineer

Staff Chief Engineer

Chief Electrical Engineer

Hotel Engineer

IT Officer

A/C Technician

Working at sea is one of the most discussed topics. Many make serious arguments against the maritime profession, while others find it incredibly attractive. Let’s discuss the positive and negative aspects of this profession, and draw our own conclusions.

Let’s move on to the positive aspects of marine vacancies:

  1. High salary: A river or sea profession can bring in a significant income. Even an ordinary sailor is paid well, and if he works in the oil and gas industry, his earnings will be even higher. Not surprisingly, job sites for seafarers are in huge demand.
  2. Career advancement: In the maritime industry, you can move up the career ladder much faster than on land. If you regularly perform your duties, acquire new skills and level up, then by the age of 30-35 you can become a captain.
  3. Travel: Many children dream of seeing the world. For the average person, this may be difficult, but for sailors, this is normal. In addition, sailors can get a job on a ship from any seaside point on the planet, so finding a job for a sailor, especially with experience, is not difficult.

In addition, working on a ship offers several attractive bonuses:

  1. Long Vacation: A sailor’s vacation can be as long as a sea job. Specialties in the maritime industry provide for vacations of four or six months.
  2. Full provision on the voyage: Shipowners provide seafarers with everything they need – work clothes, meals, payment for flights and accommodation. Working on a ship, you can save up a good amount of money.
  3. Cross-Culture Experience: Seafarers have the opportunity to meet different nationalities. They can discover the cuisine of other countries, learn their habits and rules. Working on offshore vessels also helps to improve foreign language skills.

Of course, there are also some negative points:

Separation from family: One of the main concerns of seafarers is prolonged separation from family. Spending six months away from loved ones is not easy, although today the Internet and mobile communications allow you to communicate at a distance.

Difficult working conditions: Physically, seafarers have to work at full capacity. Sometimes there are no days off, and the working day can exceed 12 hours. The shift schedule can be 6/6 hours, which is exhausting. Changing time zones also has an impact on the body. Add here the extreme conditions in which you have to work – tropical heat or extreme cold in the northern latitudes, as well as regular pitching, testing the vestibular apparatus, and you get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe working conditions of a sailor.

Dangers: There is a risk of serious injury on the ship, especially if the rules are not followed. In addition, some ships carry hazardous substances, increasing the risks. Pirates also pose a threat to the life and health of sailors. Therefore, when considering vacancies for seafarers, you should always clarify information about the route and destination of the vessel.

We examined the most relevant pros and cons of the work of a sailor. And the conclusions about how this profession is good or bad – you decide.

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